There’s several ways to save money by conserving energy around your home, but Benton PUD’s rebates for your home or business could also be a resource to help you with your bill.
rebates for your home that include:
- Clothes washers
- Clothes dryers
- Heat pump water heaters
- Heat pumps
- Ductless heat pumps
- Duct sealing
- Smart thermostat
- Insullation
- Doors
- Windows
If you find a rebate you want to apply for, click fill our
customer rebates application, and select the options that best apply to you.
Benton PUD also offers
rebates for your business that include commercial, agricultural and industrial rebates.
For more information on all of our rebates, visit
If you have more questions regarding our rebates, you can call Benton PUD’s energy efficiency advisors at 582-1234.