
  June 6, 2024

Fish & Wildlife Successes in the Region

Checkout BPA’s report and learn more about projects they have funded that demonstrate a commitment to restoring habitat and protecting land for fish and wildlife in our region.

BPA recently released the Bonneville Power Administration Invests In The Environment, Fish and Wildlife:  What We Accomplished In FY2023*, which highlights achievements made in the Columbia River Basin. These projects, funded in part through electric rates of utilities that buy power from the agency, include habitat restoration, construction and maintenance of hatcheries, land acquisition, predator control, and research and evaluation. Fish and wildlife mitigation is part of the “third leg of the stool” of BPA’s mission, along with transmission and power services and demonstrate a commitment to enhancing our environment.

The report also highlights a recent milestone and agreement between BPA and the Upper Columbia United Tribes in which BPA agreed to fund $200 million over twenty years to help implement a plan to reintroduce non-ESA listed salmon above Chief Joseph and Grand Coulee dams in the Upper Columbia River Basin.  A win for regional efforts to reintroduce salmon to the Upper Columbia River Basin.

Since 2005, BPA and its partners have provided the following benefits:
  • Improved more than 854,000 acres of habitat.
  • Protected more than 1,2 million acres of land for wildlife and conservation.
  • Restored 17,000 aces of estuary floodplain.
  • Enhanced 70 miles of estuarine tidal channels.
  • Built 11 hatcheries.