
  May 28, 2019

Southridge High School Environmental Science Students Tour Ice Harbor Dam

Thank you to the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers staff and visitors at the Ice Harbor Dam Visitor Center for helping educate students at Southridge High School on the value of hydropower and that fish and dams can co-exist.

Benton PUD had the opportunity to bring three Environmental Science classes from Southridge High School to Ice Harbor Dam on May 21 to hear from Benton PUD’s General Manager, Chad Bartram, and Ice Harbor Dam employees and take an in-depth tour of the facility. 

Students not only got to see the physical structure of the dam and how it works, but learned why hydropower is essential to the electric grid in the Tri-Cities. Benton PUD provides our customers 97% carbon free energy thanks to more than 80% hydropower in our fuel mix, making this resource an essential part of maintaining low-carbon emission.  Students also heard about salmon passage ways and survival rates through the dams, and evidence that salmon returns are some of the highest since they started tracking them.

Benton PUD looks forward to working with this team in the future to further hydropower education in the community.