
  September 29, 2020

Columbia River System Operations Environmental Impact Statement Record of Decision Signed

Preferred Alternative preserves the four Lower Snake River dams.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation and the Bonneville Power Administration signed a joint Record of Decision (ROD) on September 28, 2020.  The ROD commits the agencies to implement immediate and long-term actions related to the ongoing operations, maintenance and configuration of 14 federal dams that compose the Columbia River System and provides the agencies’ reasoning for selecting the Preferred Alternative.

Consistent with the CRSO EIS, the ROD concluded that the LSRD were critical to providing affordable, reliable and clean energy for the Northwest and recommended maintaining the LSRD with adjusted operations.

The CRSO EIS and ROD represent the detailed work, evaluation and decision-making of the agencies. The National Environmental Policy Act process and the EIS were completed with the input and assistance of many cooperating agencies with special expertise and/or authority over the lands and resources evaluated, and with robust public and stakeholder engagement.

To review the ROD, visit the Columbia River System Operations webpage.