Central WA Public Utilities
The Central Washington Public Utilities (CWPU) group is comprised of the following seven public utilities: Benton County PUD, Douglas County PUD, Ferry County PUD, Franklin County PUD, Grant County PUD, Okanogan PUD and Pend Oreille PUD. The CWPU’s have established a self-insured Trust under rules of RCW 48.62 and WAC 200-100 for Local Government Self-Insurance Health and Welfare Program Requirements for the administration and claims payments of medical and dental benefits. These utilities are organized through an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement under the provisions of Chapter 39.34 RCW as the Central Washington Public Utilities’ Unified Insurance Program (CWPU UIP) for the purpose of joint purchase for medical, dental and life and long-term disability insurance benefits for employees of the public utility districts.
Regular Trustee meetings are scheduled quarterly on the fourth Wednesday of the first month of each quarter. Special Trustee meetings may be called for by the CWPU UIP Chair as needed. Agendas for upcoming meetings will be made available to the Board of Trustees and interested members of the public at least 10 days prior to the meeting date or as otherwise required by the Open Public Meetings Act. Agendas may be sent by electronic mail and shall also be posted on the CWPU UIP (Grant PUD) website. Meetings may be held in person or via conference call as determined by the Board of Trustees.
For meeting notices, agendas, minutes and financial reports, and related interlocal agreements and trust declarations, visit the CWPU Unified Insurance Program website.