Benton PUD offers various discounts for qualifying low income customers. Currently, we offer discounts for qualifying seniors, those who are disabled, and veteran's/active military personnel. These discounts include a 10%, 15%, or 25% discount on your bill depending on eligibility.
To better educate the public on our Low Income Programs, Benton PUD Customer Service Employees spent time at the Spring Senior Times Exposition at the Southridge Sports Complex on April 16. We participated in the event to showcase all Low Income Discount Programs, energy audit opportunities, SmartHub, and many other resources. At the event, many customers showed interest in using SmartHub, and utilizing energy audits. We're glad to find more opportunities to get to know our customers, their needs, and programs that interest them.
Benton PUD's Low Income Discount Programs were recently expanded to veteran/military personnel in March.
Applications for each discount and other payment options are available online or by calling Customer Service at (509) 582-2175 in Kennewick or (509) 786-1841 in Prosser.