Small Changes, Big Savings
Saving energy doesn’t have to be complicated. Explore the energy tips below and learn how a few practical changes can reduce your energy usage and lower your monthly bill. From simple adjustments to everyday habits to bigger steps like improving home efficiency, small actions can add up to significant savings over time.
Log in to SmartHub® to monitor your hourly or monthly usage to see how the tips you implement are helping you save.
- Close your blinds to help keep the warmth inside.
- Seal leaks by using towels to block drafts from windows and doors.
- Reverse the circulation of ceiling fans to push warm air down.
- Clean or replace furnace filters. Dirty filters slow air-flow through your HVAC system making it work harder and costing you more money.
- Check manufacturer's maintenance instructions to make sure your furnace and heat pump are in best working order and have your HVAC system serviced if it has been over a year. Keep your outdoor unit free of debris from fallen leaves or overgrown shrubbery.
- Clean registers, baseboard heaters, and radiators. Make sure furniture, carpeting or drapes does not block their air-flow or pose a fire hazard.
- Close the vents to the crawlspace of your home in the fall to prevent cool air from penetrating under your house.
- Caulk and seal air leaks where plumbing, ducting or electrical wiring penetrate exterior walls, floors and ceilings.
- Test your home for air tightness. On a windy day, hold a lit incense stick next to your windows, doors, electrical boxes, plumbing fixtures, electrical outlets, ceiling fixtures and other locations on exterior walls. If the smoke moves sideways, you have located an air leak that may need caulking, sealing or weather-stripping.
- Check your ductwork for leaks and sections that may have separated. Secure the connections with mechanical fasteners such as sheet metal screws. Seal the joints with duct mastic or butyl rubber tape.
- Set your thermostat as low as comfortable in the winter. A programmable thermostat allows you to program day, night, and weekend settings. Stay more comfortable by bundling up in an extra layer of clothes or a blanket, wearing a hat to prevent losing body heat through your head, or drinking something warm - cozy up with a cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa.
- Install foam gaskets behind outlet and switch plates on exterior walls.
- If you use a fireplace, installing tempered glass doors and a heat-air exchange system will blow warmed air back into the room. Close the damper when not in use. As much as 14% of your warm air escapes out a chimney.
- Use ventilating fans wisely. Fans pull warmed or cooled air out of the house. Turn fans off as soon as they have done the job.
- Look for dirty spots in your insulation, which indicate air leaks in and out of your house. Seal the holes by stapling sheets of plastic over the holes and caulking the edges of the plastic.
- Close draperies, shades, or blinds during the day to block the sun, especially on windows that face south or west. Open them in the evening to let cool air in but don't leave windows or doors open any longer than necessary.
- Check filters to be sure they are clean. For central air, the filters are the same ones you check in the winter and are part of the furnace. For window units, they are behind the grill. Dirty filters limit air flow and force equipment to work harder and use more energy.
- The condition of your duct work can make an impact. Ducts should be inspected and any leaks sealed by a certified contractor. Use your set back thermostat so that the house is warmer when you aren't home during the day but cooler when you come home. In general, keep the thermostat set as high as you are comfortable.
- Close off rooms that you aren't using and no more than 10% of your home's cooling duct registers to focus the cool on the rooms that you are using.
- Don't set your thermostat at a colder setting than normal when you turn your air conditioner on. This uses much more energy than keeping the temperature at a constant setting.
- Keep lights low or off to avoid generating excess heat in the home. Use heat-producing appliances like ovens and irons in the early morning or late evening hours whenever possible.
- Don't place lamps or TVs near the air conditioning thermostat. The heat causes the thermostat to run the air conditioner unnecessarily.
- Use a microwave, or better yet, barbeque. Both use less energy than cooking on the stove or in the oven.
- A breeze on a summer day can sometimes be enough to keep you cool. Instead of turning on the air conditioner, open windows on opposite sides of the house for cross ventilation.
- Portable fans and ceiling fans allow you to set your thermostat 4-5 degrees warmer without any discomfort. Turns fans off when you leave the room. Fans cool people they do not lower the room temperature.
- Dress appropriately. Wear lighter layers and let a fan cool you off when you are indoors.
- Dry clothes and run dishwashers in the coolest part of the morning.
- Lower your water heater temperature to 120 degrees F, use less water for showering. Any water added to the air by showering or boiling water on the stove will require your AC to work harder.
- A refrigerator that was manufactured before 1990 will consume about 1,500 kWh annually and cost Benton PUD residential customers about $90 per year in electricity.
- A new ENERGY STAR® refrigerator consumes about 442 kWh annually.
- Fill the extra space in your refrigerator with jugs of water. Every time you open the refrigerator door, warm air rushes in that has to be cooled. The fuller the fridge, the less warm air to be cooled. You'll also have cool water to drink!
- Maintain the recommended setting in your refrigerator and freezer. Settings between 38°F and 42°F in the refrigerator and 0°F and 5°F in the freezer are sufficient to keep your food cold and safe.
- Clean condenser coils on refrigerators at least twice a year. Dirty coils cause stress on the refrigerator resulting in more energy use to cool.
- Use the microwave instead of the oven for most cooking - especially small meals. Tests indicate that only 6% of the energy output from a typical oven is absorbed into the food.
- Scrape, instead of rinsing, food off of plates before loading into the dishwasher.
- Only run full loads in dishwashers, clothes washers and dryers. You're using the same amount of power, but cleaning more.
- Let your dishes air dry. If your washer doesn't have air-dry switch, turn off the control knob after rinse cycle and prop the door open.
- Match the pan size to the element when range cooking.
- Mark items in your freezer for quick identification so you don't have to keep the door open while you sort through packages.
- Your hot water heater can account for up to 30% of your bill. Use your energy-efficient showerheads and faucets aerators to reduce the amount of water released from the tap by up to 50%. You'll hardly notice a deference in water pressure, but you'll have 50% less water to heat.
- Look into front load washing machines. These resource-efficient washers use 40% less water than upright washers.
- Clean your dryer's lint filter often to improve airflow and dryer efficiency.
- Turn off the ventilation fan when it's done its job. Fans pull conditioned air out causing outside air to seep into your house somewhere else.
- Use lighter colored shades on your lamps. Dark or decorative lampshades can absorb light or reflect it in the wrong direction causing you to use higher wattage bulbs to compensate for lost light.
- Keep your light bulbs dust free. Dirty bulbs can reduce light output by 10% causing you to compensate lost light with more bulbs.
- Turn off your computer when not in use or utilize "sleep" settings. Computer manufacturers say that turning your computer on and off a few times a day is considered normal use and will not harm the unit. If turning off the computer is not an option, turn off just the monitor.
- Seal and caulk around windows, doors, electrical outlets and plumbing fixtures.
- Shade the south side of your home with deciduous (plants that lose their leaves in winter) plants, to keep your home cool in summer.
- Apply weather stripping around doors and windows.
- Install common draft guards beneath doors.
- Install an energy efficient water heater. It really can make a difference.
- Turn the temperature on your water heater down. By setting the temperature to 120, you'll save 3 to 5% in water heating cost for each 10 degree reduction.
- Install aerators in faucets and use energy efficient showerheads. This can reduce the amount of water used by 50%.
- Repair leaks immediately. A dripping faucet can waste 6-10 gallons of water per day.
- Insulate both hot and cold water pipes if they are outside of a heated space.
- Take a shower instead of a bath. A 5-minute shower uses half as much hot water as an average bath.
- Turn faucets off immediately after use.
- Scrape dishes rather than rinse before putting in the dishwasher. Newer dishwashers can clean dishes with less rinsing.
- Wash clothes in cold water using cold water detergents whenever possible. Switching the temperature from hot to warm can cut the energy use in half.
- Wash full loads in both the dishwasher and clothes washer. It takes as much hot water to wash a partial load as a full load.
- Check your dishwasher manual for manufacturer's recommendations on water temperature. Many have internal heating elements that allow you to set the water heater at a lower temperature.
- Get in the habit of turning off the lights every time you leave a room for more than a few minutes. For fluorescent lighting, turn them off if you'll be away for more than 15 minutes. This prolongs the life of the fixtures.
- Instead of leaving outdoor lights on all night while you sleep, use a motion detector to turn on lights when they detect motion. With motion detectors, use the lowest wattage incandescent bulb that will do the job. If security is a concern, leave a low-wattage porch light on all night. For maximum security, use a high-pressure sodium bulb on a timer or light sensor. High-pressure sodium bulbs perform best when they're on for long periods of time.
- Dust off light bulbs. Dirty, greasy, smoky light bulbs can reduce light output by as much as 10 percent.
- Use only the number of bulbs needed to light an area. Three bulbs can usually do the same job as four if they are positioned accurately.
- Use free light. Natural light is more efficient than electric.
- The lighter the colors you use on the wall and other decor, the less artificial lighting is required to illuminate the area.
- Use timers when on vacation to turn lights on and off at different times on different days. Your home looks more lived in this way.
These energy saving tips are customized to focus on low-cost and non-permanent changes to the home.
- Set thermostats at 68 or below if possible. Every degree you can lower your thermostat will save around 3% on your heating costs.
- Use rolled up towels or draft stoppers at the base of exterior doors to prevent air infiltration and heat loss.
- Remove window air conditioners before winter.
- Run a humidifier. This will help heat remain in the home and increase comfort.
- Caulk any holes into the home as well as around the inside and outside of doors and windows to reduce air infiltration.
- Install gaskets behind wall switches and outlets.
- Keep windows and doors closed.
- Cover or close crawl space vents.
- Only use space heaters when needed.
- Close fireplace and wood stove dampers when not in use (be sure all embers are out).
- Open blinds during the day. The sun will help heat up the home. Close them at night to help keep heat in.
- Put plastic over the windows as this will help keep heat in.
- Use ceiling fans to push down warm air.
- Wear sweatpants and sweatshirts to keep you warm and allow the thermostat to be set lower.
- Use rugs on bare floors to retain heat.
- During the holiday season decorate without lights or use LED Christmas lights.
- Cook (BBQ) outside to keep extra heat out of your home.
- Wear shorts and t-shirts to keep cool.
- Set your thermostat at 75 or above, every degree higher will help you save.
- Use fans to circulate air.
- Open windows at night when the air is cooler.
- Open crawl space vents to allow air flow.
- Use blinds or drapes to block the sun, keeping the heat out.
- Close off rooms you’re not using.
- Use low flow shower heads.
- Replace furnace filters regularly (check monthly).
- Unplug / turn off electronics and appliances when not in use. (An unused refrigerator in your garage can consume $30—$100 in electricity annually).
- Use energy saver options on appliances if available.
- Hang clothes to dry when possible.
- Only wash full loads of clothes and dishes.
- Get any leaking faucets fixed.
- Wash clothes in cold water.
- Turn down water heater to 120 degrees.
- Turn lights off whenever possible or install LED light bulbs.
- Keep supply and return vents uncovered.
- Use the same size pot as burner.
- Use a microwave or toaster oven when possible.
- Clean the lint trap on your dryer after every use.
- Use timers or sensor on security lights.
- Keep freezers full (freezers with only a few items have to work harder).
- Be aware of outside plug loads (block heaters, RVs, space heaters, compressors, trough heaters, animal heat lamps).
- Sign up for SmartHub to monitor your energy usage.
- If available, program your thermostat to set back when you are away.
- Dust off dirty light bulbs for better light and ability to use smaller bulbs.
- Teach family members how they can help save energy.
Additional ways to save energy and save money

Residential Rebates
Additional ways to save on your power bill include installing more efficient equipment in your residence. Learn more about available rebates and if equipment you are researching or recently purchased qualifies.
Additional ways to save on your power bill include installing more efficient equipment in your residence. Learn more about available rebates and if equipment you are researching or recently purchased qualifies.

Tree Program
By planning your landscape, you can achieve 10% to 40% energy savings. Visit our tree program page to learn about power line friendly types of trees and tips for planting the right tree in the right place.
By planning your landscape, you can achieve 10% to 40% energy savings. Visit our tree program page to learn about power line friendly types of trees and tips for planting the right tree in the right place.

Low-Income Energy Efficiency Program
We offer an energy efficiency program specifically designed for low-income families to use on weatherization projects. Learn more to see if you qualify and what projects can be accomplished.
We offer an energy efficiency program specifically designed for low-income families to use on weatherization projects. Learn more to see if you qualify and what projects can be accomplished.

Your SmartHub® Account
Manage your account anytime, anywhere with SmartHub®. View and pay your bill, monitor energy usage, sign up for alerts, change your account settings—all from your device or computer.
Manage your account anytime, anywhere with SmartHub®. View and pay your bill, monitor energy usage, sign up for alerts, change your account settings—all from your device or computer.